Blogging with Linda Griepentrog

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Not only is this my first blog entry for, but it’s also the first blog I’ve ever written! I’m one of those semi-techno-phobic folks who still doesn’t feel the need for a cell phone most days of the year. But, now I’m a blogger! I love writing, so am looking forward to the adventure.

I’ll be chatting with you regularly about new things in the sewing industry, including some books, products, projects, etc. and helping to answer any questions you might have on techniques or most anything else. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll try to find out for you from my industry contacts, so let me know topics you’d like included.

By way of background–As many of you know, I was the editor of Sew News for 19 years, and now do freelance writing, editing, designing and tours for companies in the sewing, quilting and crafting industries. I work from my home office outside Portland, Oregon, and share the space with our three dogs (Riley, Buckley and Frankie). We just adopted Frankie from the local shelter–he’s a spunky two-year-old black lab! My husband Keith is an assistant manager for Home Depot, so we’re forever doing some home improvement projects it seems. I’m really good at the destruction process and am quite skilled with a crowbar.

I write for about 14 different magazines, and on topics from A to Z–a challenge I enjoy immensely. In addition, I work with the American Sewing Guild to offer tours to Hong Kong, and to the Northwest. (If you’re interested in the tours, check out and click on “Sew Much Fun tours.” The registration deadline for the ’09 Hong Kong adventure is October 20, so you have time to find a friend to room with and hopefully join us.) I’ve been to Hong Kong 16 times, so am pretty familiar with the alleyways and street markets burgeoning with fabrics.

In addition to those adventures, I also teach classes, at some local stores and also at an occasional national show or ASG chapter. I try to keep busy, but also focused on things related to sewing and the sewing business.

I look forward to hearing from you and coming into your sewing room or computer room, if they’re not one in the same, on a regular basis. Blog on, as they say…